Movie Review: “Mission Mangal”

Every step of our lives has something to be learnt from it. So, a movie also have something that is unique.

“A person who has a mindset of learning every positive aspects of life, will surely progress in his/her life.”

Things to be learnt from “Mission Mangal” movie:

1. Even a Home Science has a concept of Space Science.

2. The concept of Centrifugal force gained with the help of circular trajectory of a satellite around the earth.

3. Every time it’s not necessary to have enough fund to complete your project. You should work in available resources.

4. The meteor shower helped increasing speed of a satellite in space and saved fuel of a booster which further helped in retarding the speed of a satellite to affix it into Mars’ orbit. This happened due to postponement of mission due to rain. This phenomena passes a message that the time has its own answer.

5. Strong opposition motivates you to achieve your goal (i.e. your enemy is your true friend.)

6. Even a waste can be used for the best. (Plastic waste can resist lows and highs of cosmic temperature)

7. It’s good to motivate yourself from other’s good move. But also try to think out of the box to make impossible, the possible.

8. Last but not the least that there is a supreme power beyond the science. Worshipping this supreme power makes all your efforts worthy.

The efforts of ISRO launching “Mission Mangal” are commendable.

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